Characteristics of Innovations in International Media Discourse

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Tamara M. Gromova

Senior Lecturer at the Chair of International Journalism, Institute Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


Section: Modern Journalism: Subjects and Issues

The relevance of this research is determined by the complex, multicomponent structure of the concept of ‘innovation’, successfully adapted to management, sociology and other areas of knowledge, while the operation of this concept in media discourse, wherein it is actively used, remains very poorly studied. This also gives rise to a lack of tailored analysis for media content dedicated to innovations. Research into media discourse on innovations will ultimately clarify why some innovations are vigorously debated and never lose their popularity, while others remain unknown and fade. This paper presents the results of the content analysis of media materials on the InoSMI online resource. In particular, an attempt was made to determine the characteristics of innovations in the international media context searching for publications by the tag “innovat”. The author explores thematic and genre orientation of the texts, the key characters of the publications devoted to innovations and also considers the visibility of the innovation classification from management in media discourse. The analysis revealed the key characteristics of innovations used in foreign media texts, as well as the texts about innovations themselves. The key finding is that the innovation classification adapted from management can be equally well used in the content analysis of media discourse. At the same time, a large number of publications in international media discourse are devoted to the topic of innovations, and the characteristics of these innovations are rather transparent. Thus, the study opens up prospects for further research in the chosen area.

Keywords: innovation, international media discourse, media discourse on innovations, characteristics of innovations, classification of innovations
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.6.2021.116139


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