The Cultivation Role of Television in Terms of Violence, Life in General, Personality Traits and the Perception of Old Age

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Hasan Cem Çelik

PhD in Communications, Library Officer, Communication Faculty, Mediterranean University, Antalya, Turkey

Seçil Deren van het Hof

PhD in Political Science, Professor at the Department of Public Relations and Publicity, Communication Faculty, Mediterranean University, Antalya, Turkey


Section: Television and Radio

Advancing itself to a special and more different place than the previous mass media via its feature of including sound and image, television has been fascinating individuals since the day it first entered their lives. Cultivation Theory enables us to research the effects of television on the perceptions and attitudes of people not only concerning violence, but also various social identities. One main source of the stories told by television is dramas that are very popular among different age groups and different social sections. Turkish series have attracted the attention of not only local audiences, but also reached millions of people worldwide, especially in the Middle East and Eastern and Southeastern Europe. The purpose of this study is to put forth the relation between rates of television watching and the adoption of certain traits presenting a scientific analysis based on the methodology of Cultivation Theory. Message system analysis is based on the television series broadcasted during prime-time on weekdays. Cultivation analysis is based on the Cultivation online survey data conducted with 404 participants. The findings pointed out that television series deliver important messages about human relations and value judgments and there is a positive correlation between the audience’s duration of television watching and the adoption of their value judgments transmitted by television series.

Keywords: Cultivation Theory, Cultivation Analysis, Turkish television series, Social reality
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2021.150174


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