Transformation of Mediacommunication between the State and Youth in Russia in the Context of Mediatization of Politics

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Anna N. Gureeva

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Theory of Journalism and Media

The relevance of this article is conditioned by the intensification of the transformation of political and media discourse in contemporary Russia. The mediatization of public practices and the penetration of the media logic of new digital communication channels into all models of information and communication interaction force the state to seek new approaches in its media communication practices of cooperation with the youth. Modern Russian youngsters are becoming more and more interested in participating in political processes. They are particularly interested in the issues of civil society formation, human rights and freedoms, and justice within the context of common European values. The media activity of Russian youth and the development of new forms of media communication practices on social networks have become particularly evident in Russia in recent years. Thus, it is possible to conclude about the growing role of the mediatization of politics in the strategies of digital communication between the state and Russia’s young people. Today, there is an intergenerational political conflict and a growing need for political representation among young people because this intergenerational conflict exists not only in the fields of technology, sociology and anthropology but also concerns value systems: young people increasingly represent post-material values, including environmental issues, the foundations for building civil society, the elimination of inequality, and the like. When the traditional model of political interaction had, for the most part, a monological and vertical character, according to which, being once elected, representatives of the power communicated with the people in the language of laws, decrees and other political acts going in a direction from top to bottom, modern possibilities of Internet communication transform this model, promoting the development of horizontal interrelations, providing openness and availability of political information, operative feedback between the power and citizens.

Keywords: mediatization, media communication, mediatization of politics, social networks, content, technology, youth
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.6.2020.160181


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