Information Support for Eurasian Integration: Russian Media Coverage
Download paperPhD in Philology, Coordinator of educational and research programs with EAEU countries, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: financialliteracymsu@gmail.comSection: Modern Journalism: Subjects and Issues
Mass media as a major tool of the information support for the EAEU integration processes ensure the internal stability of the Union, without which further consolidation of the young regional organization is hardly possible in the international arena. This paper analyzes news content of the leading television channels as well as print and online media in the Russian Federation and identifies which thematic components of the image of Eurasian Economic Union influencing the way the population perceives the Union, and to what extent, are now offered to the Russian audience. The study showed that the information support for Eurasian integration, unregulated for five years and left to mass media themselves, led to the fact that as of the 4th quarter of 2019 the main themes were: EAEU summits, legal regulation and prospects for relations development of the Union countries. Notably, the overwhelming majority of materials of this narrow thematic spectrum is based on the newsbreaks suggested by ECE and represents impersonal information, as opposed to personalized materials illustrating the advantages of integration for ordinary citizens. All this leads to information apathy to integration themes both in society and on the part of journalists.
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