Communication with the Involvement of Hearing and Deaf/Hard of Hearing People: Social Media Opportunities
Download paperGraduate PhD student of the Chair of New Media and Communication Theory, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: ju.shamsutdinova@gmail.comSection: New Media
The paper presents the findings of the research which was aimed at getting an idea of communication of hearing and deaf/hard of hearing people in real life and in social media. The empirical basis of the study is composed of focused interviews with non-ordinary representatives of the group studied, who are simultaneously the holders of expert knowledge about the life of the deaf and hard of hearing community. It was found that the main conditions influencing the process of the deaf and hard of hearing people’s communication, are the choice of language, the extent of hearing loss and the age when hearing was lost. The research also resulted in the construction of two theoretical models of communication, whose participants are hearing and deaf or hard of hearing people. The models are applicable both to communication that proceeds in real life and to communication in social media. Both models take into account the presence of the main communication barriers. One of the respondents’ statement, according to which deaf and hearing people practically do not communicate in social media, requires further study.
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.5.2020.5476References:
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