Creolization Features of Media Texts in the News Publics of the Vkontakte Social Network (a Case Study of the Republic of Mordovia)
Download paperAssociate Professor at the Chair of Journalism, National Research Ogarev Mordovia State University, Saransk, Russia
e-mail: dementievakv@gmail.comSection: Media Language
The development of globalization and visual communications has increased the presentation of data in the form of iconic signs expressed in the creolization of texts. The author for the first time considers the creolization features of media texts in the news publics of the VKontakte social network (using the Republic of Mordovia as an example). The study was conducted on the material of nine regional news communities; to assess the effectiveness of their use of creolized texts, they were compared with large national publics. The author identified the most common elements of text creolization of each public, the main functions of media text creolization in communities, the models of public records, as well as the twelve main types of post creolization. The study showed that social networks give news publishers the opportunity to use a wide selection of different types of media text creolization. However, not all regional communities use this opportunity effectively and thoughtfully. The phenomena observed in the media of the region can be called kitsch, which manifests itself in a heap of unnecessary objects, excessive color diversity, as well as the lack of a single recognizable style.
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2020.170196References:
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