Readiness of Russian Journalists to Promote Healthy Lifestyle Values
Download paperDoctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: t_frolova@bk.ruPhD student at the Chair of Periodical Press, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: striga_elizaveta@mail.ruSection: Sociology of Journalism
Health preservation is an urgent social problem and one of the most popular thematic areas in the media. Health topics are undoubtedly in demand by the audience. Their versatility and the acuteness of the problem of public and personal health formed a fundamentally new content of the information field. However, the resources of this topic area are much wider. The study conducted by the authors of the article in 2019 demonstrates the level of readiness of journalists’ professional consciousness to implement a health-saving mission among the audience. This article presents the results of a survey and makes a number of important conclusions and generalizations that reflect the readiness of Russian journalists to solve this urgent national task. Journalists are fully aware of the critical importance of promoting healthy lifestyle values in the media, but their competence and professional tools need to be developed. In the process of analyzing empirical data, some promising ways to increase the effectiveness of promoting a healthy lifestyle in the media were identified.
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