The Interaction of China and Russia in the Field of Mass Information: from the Approach of "Russia as a Role Model" to Equal Cooperation

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Lerong Jia

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Communication University of China, Beijing, China

Dmitry L. Strovsky

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor, Politics/Media Researcher at Ariel University, Professor at Ekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art, Ariel, Israel

Anastasia Ye. Sukhoretskaya

Master of International Journalism at the Communication University of China, Editor of CGTN Russian, Beijing, China


Section: Foreign Journalism

This article envisages the features of the interaction in the field of mass information between China and Russia including the activities of the unions of journalists in both countries. It can be argued that these contacts have been entirely built under the influence of political relationships between the two countries, which changed at different stages of cooperation. The motivation for interaction did not arise from the needs of the media industry or the mass audience, but was largely determined by the political intentions of the powers. This factor still plays a crucial role in the media cooperation between China and Russia. Although today the above cooperation is filled up with more diverse content than before, political insights still have a great importance and a significant impact on the media sphere. The entire evolution of this process lasting for many decades provides scholars with an investigative background regarding media trends in authoritarian and post-authoritarian countries.

Keywords: China, Russia, mass information, information exchange
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2020.85115


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