Content characteristics of crimean regional news broadcasting (a case study of "Vesti. Crimea")

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Ekaterina B. Gromova

Foreign Languages Teacher, Romanov’s College of Hospitality Industry, Simferopol, Russia


Section: Television and Radio

Content characteristics of regional TV news are researched in this article in a case study of “Vesti. Crimea”, State TV and Radio Company Tavrida (VGTRK). The methods of critical analysis, systematization, generalization and content analysis make it possible to identify the distinctive components and features of information content of Crimean television broadcasting. The author found that endemic heroes and events become the main content components of the news. But in every installment, there are plots in which public relations message is apparent. The abundance of such plots does not encourage the growth of public confidence in regional TV, because television viewers are normally aware of this message. The topics of security, life safety, as well as holidays are represented excessively, while the plots with real conflicts are lacking. The modality and intentions of the authors in the choice of topics and forms of material presentation are much too evident. The functions of informing and advertising clearly interact. However, the whole picture could vary depending on the changes in senior management. Certain tendencies (e.g. the reflection of the state’s policy) may become stronger, others (e.g. the mirroring of “everyday life”) may diminish.

Keywords: media hero, endemic event, endemic hero, Crimean regional broadcasting, regional news
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.2.2020.187208


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