Evaluation Technique of in-House Press Efficiency in Increasing Staff Loyalty

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Anna A. Volkova

PhD degree-seeking student at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: anuta-volkova@inbox.ru

Section: Periodical Press

This article suggests the evaluation technique and ways to improve the efficiency of the in-house press in increasing staff loyalty. In the introduction, the author states the relevance of the topic conditioned by a search for immaterial resources needed to improve corporate loyalty. The important role of the in-house press in this matter is substantiated. Further, the author explores the studies into the evaluation technique of in-house media efficiency carried out by a number of modern scholars and formulates her own methods of evaluating the corporate potential of in-house print publications in terms of building staff loyalty. The corporate potential includes all the communication opportunities of a particular publication of a given company in current conditions. To measure in-house press efficiency in increasing corporate loyalty, five criteria are used: visual, compositional, genre, ideological and educational one, each of which contains 3 elements. The arithmetic mean of evaluations obtained through the analysis of a publication for compliance with the criteria is a numeric expression of the efficiency of a publication’s corporate potential. The reported technique of evaluating the corporate potential makes it possible to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of b2p media in the matter of increasing staff loyalty. Besides, it is a good way to encourage the publisher to improve the in-house media. In conclusion, the author would like to stress that the systematic rotation of materials on the mission and values of the organization, compliance with the corporate identity of the publication, increasing the congruence of illustrations with the theme of the material can increase the level of staff loyalty. In contrast, the obvious bias of the discursiveness of the text towards the impeccability of the company’s image and leadership, the lack of polemic materials, interactive feedback services can have negative effects on the performance of the in- house press. The advantage of this technique, in comparison with sociological studies, is its quickness and cost-effectiveness.

Keywords: staff loyalty, in-house communications, corporate press, efficiency measurement of an in-house publication, corporate potential of a publication
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.1.2020.129151


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