Communication Tools in Texts on Cultural Topics by Crimean Journalists
Download paperPhD student at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: egor.heat@mail.ruSection: Modern Journalism: Subjects and Issues
The paper presents the results of a study which examines communication tools applied to texts by Crimean journalists covering cultural topics. These results were received through content analysis of the total of 3 478 media texts presented by 11 Crimean media outlets during 2015–2017. In the course of this work, the following communication tools were studied: authorship, experts expressing their opinions in the texts, information sources, actual location of the covered events, the text-forming elements (the headline, the genre) and the visual elements (the type of illustration, the object of description) of the journalistic text. On the basis of this study, the author made a conclusion that Crimean journalists’ work requires a number of improvements such as author de-anonymization, paying more attention to the culture of other Russian regions or other countries, enrichment of the genre palette and an increase in the diversity of illustrations.
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