Journalism, Public Relations, Advertising: Distinction vs Interaction

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Irina V. Sidorskaya

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Communication Technologies and Public Relations of the Faculty of Journalism, Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus


Section: Advertising and Public Relations

This paper makes a timely contribution to modern scientific knowledge because despite significant interactions between journalism, public relations and advertising there has been little research on the subject with no correlation among individual studies. The goal of the paper is to analyze published research on one or another aspect of the interactions between the above-mentioned sub-systems as well as to identify the main approaches to the problem and categorize them. Research studies need to be identified, analyzed and categorized in order to outline the contours of future research into the problem of modernization of information space. The paper examines scientific research (full texts and abstracts of dissertations defended in 2010– 2017 as well as research papers and reports presented at conferences) that analyzed one or another aspect of interactions between journalism, public relations and advertising. The main research methods used in the paper are analysis; synthesis; deduction; comparative, logical and historical approaches; and scientific modeling. The conclusion of the paper is as follows: if in the early 2000s research focused on identifying the various distinctions between journalism, public relations and advertising, today there is a growing number of research studies looking at the interactions per se and the effects and consequences of such interactions. The paper identifies four main directions of research on the subject, categorized according to different criteria, which testifies to a wide range of research intentions. At the same time, the complex systemic approach requires taking into account the whole diversity of the phenomenon under study.

Keywords: journalism, public relations, advertising, information space, interaction, approaches
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.6.2019.155175


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