Advertisements in the Trade Press about Nature and Hunting of the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries
Download paperPhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor at the Chair of Russian and Foreign Literature, Dostoevsky Omsk State University, Omsk, Russia
e-mail: a.v.liapina@mail.ruSection: History of Journalism
This article reveals the features of advertising in specialized magazines about nature and hunting such as: “Nature and Hunting”, “Hunter”, “Russian Hunter” and “Hunting Herald”. The formal and content analysis of the advertising texts as well as the design techniques showed their dependence on the editorial policy of the publication in the context of increasing competition for the reader and highlighted a wide range of Russian people’s interests. In the process of analyzing the advertising texts, the following major strands were identified: offers for the purchase or sale of purebred hunting dogs and sale of weapons; announcements of sporting events and exhibitions; advertising clothes and shoes and other essential goods; invitations for subscription to the periodicals; the bibliography section. The author outlines the mandatory components of any advertisement (the subject of sale, the place of sale) and optional ones (the cost of goods or services, the number of goods sold, the animal’s age, the animal’s color, temporal indication, and the reason for the sale). Important communication techniques are considered: giving names of well-known specialists, names of owners of weapon shops, brands of well-known weapon manufacturers and mentioning high-ranking officials for the purpose of a successful sale of goods.
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