Speech Characteristics of the Comment in the Internet Media News Texts

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Lada V. Kudrina

PhD student at the Chair of Advertising and Public Communications, Faculty of Philology, Pushkin Leningrad State University; Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Faculty of Multimedia Technologies and Photography, St. Petersburg State Institute of Cinema and Television, Saint-Petersburg, Russia

e-mail: gorodkommunar@yandex.ru

Section: Media Language

The article aims to study format and language markers of the news text comment on social networks. Social networks have long been the platform for mass media content, but in the last few years information from user pages on social networks has been included in news texts of online media. To identify the specific markers with the use of lexical analysis, the author compares this type of comment with the traditional comment on news texts. Taking into account the bidirectionality of the communication process of the internet discourse on social networks, the author notes the unpreparedness and spontaneity of such messages. The article focuses on the language of the internet discourse on social networks, wherein colloquial language prevails. In addition to colloquial vocabulary, expressive syntax and the unconventional use of graphic and punctuation marks such as smileys, duplication of punctuation marks and capitalization are examined. It is evident that the dividing line between different styles of language is blurred and there is general deterioration of speech quality. It is also evident that the inclusion of elements of other semiotic systems in news texts leads to a creation of a polycode and creolized media text.

Keywords: news text, internet communication, mass media, colloquial speech, social networks, syngraphs, smileys
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.6.2019.176194


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