The Place of LTT in the Genre Palette of Television News

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Elina S. Nikolskaya

PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Television and Radio

This paper examines Life to tape as a separate genre of television information. The author’s aim was to demonstrate that in terms of information presentation LTT differs from other genres. For this, news releases of a number of Russian federal television channels were studied for the presence of LTT. The structure of LTT and its difference from the structure of “classic” reports were investigated. The author examined the LTT themes and analyzed the relevant footage for newsworthiness and problematicity. It was found that television workers turn to LTT when they have specific tasks to accomplish. One of these tasks is promptness. The LTT genre is more frequently used for informational purposes than for entertainment. The paper enables one to become aware of various methods of information presentation used by television newsrooms; to study LTT as a genre and understand its distinction from other ways of presenting news.

Keywords: LTT, television genres, content analysis, federal channels, news releases
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.5.2019.7288


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