Coverage of Fec in Newspapers and News Agencies: Similarities and Difficulties
Download paperCorrespondent of the Energy and Chemistry Department at the Economic Information Newsroom of MIA Rossiya Segodnya, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: karina.khamizova@gmail.comSection: Modern Journalism: Subjects and Issues
Every theme covered in mass media calls for the use of its own journalistic approaches and methods. This paper analyzes the coverage of the Russian fuel and energy complex by the Interfax, RIA Novosti and TASS news agencies as well as by the Vedomosti, Kommersant and RBC business newspapers. The aim of the study is to reveal the characteristics of FEC-related texts in the news agencies and newspapers in terms of information sources, thematic dominants and editorial assessment of the materials. The author concludes that in covering the themes of the Russian fuel and energy complex newspapers pay special attention to the oil and gas sector and journalists specializing in this field write the most profound texts. In news agencies, however, the FEC-related themes are covered in a superficial manner; the texts draw only on factual data, they lack analysis though have a small proportion of exclusive information.
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2019.2340References:
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