I. A. Bunin in Newspaper "Obshcheye Delo" (1920-1922)

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Anton V. Bakuntsev

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Theory and Methodic of Editing, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: auctor@list.ru

Section: History of Journalism

This article is devoted to the subject of I. A. Bunin’s contribution to one of the most noticeable periodicals of the Russian Abroad — in V.L. Burtsev’s newspaper Obshcheye Delo (Paris, 1918—1922). The author of the article distinguishes four stages in the history of the newspaper: 1909—1910, 1917, 1918—1922 and 1928— 1940. However, the author considers that it was not the same publication issued irregularly but four different newspapers, which had the same title and common features defining the political face of each of them: oppositionism and extra-party membership. I. A. Bunin was an employee of Obshcheye Delo in 1920—1922. It was the third version of V. L. Burtsev’s newspaper, which was published in the Russian and French languages (the French edition was called “La Cause commune”). The newspaper was financed by generals A. I. Denikin and P. N. Wrangel. As a result of studying the issues of Obshcheye Delo for 1920—1922, the author of the article found that while working for the newspaper Bunin published 17 articles, 3 stories and 20 poems in Russian and at least 2 articles in French. Financial difficulties, which eventually led to the closure of the publication, became one of the reasons why I. A. Bunin terminated his cooperation with V. L. Burtsev’s newspaper. The article uses little-known documentary materials, including those from the funds of the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the Manuscript Department of the Gorky Institute of World Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Archive in Leeds. The list of works which Bunin published in Obshcheye Delo/La Cause commune is given in the Appendix.

Keywords: I.A. Bunin, V.L. Burtsev, Obshcheye Delo / La Cause commune, the Russian Abroad, the émigré press
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.4.2019.94113


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