Non-Editorial Work in a Daily Newspaper and News Agency

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Anna D. Podlinova

PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Sociology of Journalism

This paper analyzes the non-editorial work of journalists in case studies of the Izvestia newspaper and RNS news agency. The research is based on studying one aspect of journalistic activities, non-editorial work, as well as on evaluating its effectiveness. The main research method was a survey. Using the collected questionnaires, the author examined the role non-editorial work plays in the structure of journalistic activities. The differences of non-editorial work between the two media outlets were highlighted. Thus, it was found that newspaper’s journalists are inclined to provide narrower coverage of events and attend to a particular speaker while the news agency’s journalists tend to cover events comprehensively. The author of the paper concludes that the non-editorial work of the newspaper’s journalists and the agency’s journalists significantly differ, which is accounted for by the fundamentally different missions of these kinds of media.

Keywords: non-Editorial work, editorial work, newsroom, newspaper, agency
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.3.2019.105119


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