Functional Model of Travel Media Text in Travel Magazines of the Early 20th Century
Download paperPhD student at the Higher School of Journalism and Mass Communications, St. Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
e-mail: point-of-turn@mail.ruSection: History of Journalism
In early 20th century Russia, travel texts corresponded to a growing tourist audience and industry. Sports tourism (walks, biking, mountaineering), recreational tourism (staying at cottages, resorts), educational tourism (school excursions), cultural and business trips developed. Information support was provided by travel guides and magazines for travelers. Such publications as “Poezdki za granitsu” (1907–1908), “Prekrasnoe daleko” (1912–1915), “Russkaya Riviera” (1915–1916) came into existence. In magazines and guidebooks, there emerged travel media text based on a functional model consisting of seven compulsory elements: 1) presentation of the linguistic frame “another country” and its slots; 2) organizational function; 3) concept of “travel”; 4) detailed route; 5) presence of verbal and non-verbal components of the text; 6) incentive; 7) reflection of ethnic and cultural stereotypes. The number of slots in the frame “another country” determines the type of travel media text: advertising one or detailed one. The organizational function is complemented by entertainment and enlightenment. Travel media text is of aesthetic and cognitive interest for the reader and emphasizes the concept of “travel”, which in Russian linguistic culture is associated with the manifestation of the opposition ours/theirs. The author fixes the main landmarks of the route – the places where the movement stops (hotels, restaurants, museums, viewing points). The incentive of travel media text is connected with the intention to persuade. Recommendation as a speech action distinguishes travel media text from travelogue, ethnographic and political text. Positive ethnic stereotypes are revealed in the text while negative ones are mocked, destroyed or ignored. This is typical of modern travel shows and tourist video blogs. Thus, the model of travel media text that appeared a hundred years ago continues to function in modern Russian mass media, despite changes in media consumption.
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