Media Linguistics in Russia: Structure Formation and Development

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Lilia R. Duskaeva

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Chair of Media Linguistics, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia


Section: Media Language

The article presents the formation stages of media linguistics in Russia. To a large extent, Russian media linguistics has been formed as an independent scientific discipline. Both social conditions and internal needs of linguistic science have contributed to its development. This discipline in its modern sense is represented by four analytical vectors (grammar of media speech, media stylistics, media discourse study and criticism of media speech) and is aimed at studying the linguistic architecture of media communication. The diachronic analysis of the development of media linguistics as a scientific discipline shows that the most common method it uses is a praxiological one. Today, the object of its study is the flow of media texts, while the subject can be defined as the implementation of speech activity in mass media in terms of efficiency.

Keywords: four parts of media linguistics, criticism of media speech, grammar of media speech, media discourse study, media stylistics, praxiological method
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.6.2018.4874


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