The Problem of Correspondents’ Access to the Balkan Theater of The Russo-Turkish War 1877–78
Download paperPhD degree-seeking student at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: angelina-manakhova@yandex.ruSection: History of Journalism
This article is devoted to the question of the conditions for access and organization of work of war correspondents who had worked in the army during the Russo-Turkish campaign of 1877–78. The Russian command understood that spies could enter the headquarters under the pretext of covering events from the scene of action, but it also realized what will be the complete refusal in access for newspapers. For the first time of wartime conditions, rules for access of foreign and Russian correspondents were developed and approved by the order. Using the narrative method, the author of the article reveals several episodes on the basis of which we can speak about seriousness of this order and its role in the history of Russian journalism.
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