Operation of Regional Television in Russia and France: A Case Study of Television Companies in the Krasnodar Territory and the Provence Region

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Anastasia N. Ivanova

PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: anastasianaiv@gmail.com

Section: Television and Radio

The article examines Russian and French regional television in two selected regions (the Krasnodar territory and Provence) in a case study of five regional TV channels. The author conducted a comparative analysis of the structure and content of these channels. The analysis of the structure revealed considerable differences: in the Russian region selected for the study there are no private terrestrial channels, which is characteristic of most Russian regional media systems; moreover, France has a special regional broadcasting TV channel (France 3). However, the analysis of the broadcast schedule of the channels and content analysis of news broadcasts highlighted some common features of the television systems: the presence of full broadcast channels, similar broadcast programming, the decentralization of news and similar issues of news content.

Keywords: regional television, local television, regional television companies, content analysis, Russia, France

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