Regional and Federal Agenda in Russia and Brazil

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Victoria A. Filippova

PhD student at the Chair of Public Relations in Business, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia


Section: New Media

Article is devoted to verification of influence of federal and regional agenda on agenda of Russia and Brazil. The agenda setting theory is analyzed in the context of interaction between political and media social subsystems. The author presents review of actual theoretical researches, devoted to the different approaches to the agenda setting theory and framing. It is presented the Internet consumption level in these countries. Paper is focused on the subject structure of political agenda of Russia and Brazil. Article consists extensive empirical material about the national and regional level in agenda. The research verifies Palmgrin and Clark‘s theory about weak agenda setting for local news plots, in opposite to the national scale topics. That paper actualizes this statement (proved for traditional media systems in 1977) for modern media systems of Russia and Brazil. The data confirms prevalence of discussion of internal political subjects over foreign policy topics.

Keywords: federalism, agenda, agenda setting, hybrid media systems

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