Maxim Gorky’s Article «Two Souls» as Polemics with Neoslavophiles

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Sergey G. Korostelev

PhD Student at the Chair of Literary and Art Criticism and Publicism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: History of Journalism

In July 1915 V.F. Ern published the book «The Time is Slavophilizing» in Moscow. The first issue of the magazine «Letopis» with the article of M. Gorky «Two souls» was published in December 1915 in Petrograd. This article presented the hidden polemics with neoslavophile, nationalist and «defensist» views that expanded with the beginning of the World War I amongst the Russian idealistic philosophers in particular and in certain sectors of the Russian intelligentsia in general.

Keywords: Gorky, Em, « Two souls», «Letopis», the World War I