Modern Thesaurus of the Theory of Journalism (Seeking a Terminological Niche)
Download paperDoctor of Philology, Professor, Head at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: reklama202@mail.raSection: Theory of Journalism and Media
Among the science disciplines integrated by the theory of journalism one of the priority positions should be taken by the communication theory (communicativistics or communicology). This point of view is determined by the process of informational self-organization of the society (Internet) and the appearing in this case polysubjectness of communication. This doesn’t really mean that the role of traditional “spar- ring-partners ” of the journalism theory (philology, history, sociology, etc.) is belittled. Here we speak only about the change in configuration of science disciplines included into sphere of scientific knowledge in journalism.