Rules for submission of papers

I. General Information

1. By submitting material for publication in the journal “Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika”, the authors agree that their articles will be posted in the public domain on the journal’s web page.

2. The journal accepts articles in Russian and English which are relevant to the subject of the journal.

3. All the articles submitted to the editors are being peer-reviewed.

4. All the articles submitted to the editors are checked for incorrect borrowings in the Anti-plagiarism system.

5. If the Editorial board makes a decision on the publication of the article, the author undertakes to submit a filled out and signed License agreement, defining the rights of the author and publisher, to the editorial office.

6. The authors are not charged with the fee for publication in the “Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Seriya 10. Zhurnalistika”.

7. The authors undertake to comply with the Procedure for submitting the material (Part II) and Requirements for the layout of the material (Part III).

II. Guidelines for submitting the material (scientific paper) 

1. The paper is drawn up in accordance with “Guidelines for the layout of the material” (see below) and submitted to the Editorial Board of the journal by the contributor in person (or contributing author in case of collective authorship).

2. The papers must be sent to the e-mail of the journal 

3. The editorial office is located at 9 Mokhovaya Street, Moscow, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (room 120). The Executive Secretary is Andrei V. Vyrkovsky. Phone number: +7 (926) 311-4333 

III. Guidelines for the layout of the material (scientific paper) 

We kindly ask the authors to emphasize that non-compliance with the rules of preparation and presentation of material (article) leads to its rejection without consideration of the reviewers and the editorial board. 

1. Requirements to the Article 

In accordance with the principles supported by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the author (or a group of authors) must be aware that they are initially responsible for the novelty and accuracy of the research results, which means observance of the following principles: 

- The authors must present accurate results of the research they have conducted. Admittedly erroneous or falsified statements are unacceptable. 
- The authors must ensure that the research results described in the submitted manuscript are completely original. Borrowed fragments are to be accompanied by a reference to the author and the primary source used. Excessive borrowing and any forms of plagiarism, including citations without quotation marks, paraphrasing or appropriating rights to others’ research, are unethical and unacceptable. 
- It is essential to acknowledge the contribution of those people who, in this way or another, influenced the course of the research, in particular, the article must be supplied with references to the works that played a role in conducting the research. 
- It is against the rules to submit a manuscript which is under consideration by another publication or an article that has been published in another journal. 
- All contributors to the research are to be mentioned among the co-authors of the article. 
- Mentioning those who did not participate in the research is forbidden. 
- If the author discovers significant errors or inaccuracies in the article while it is under consideration or after it has been published, he is supposed to inform the editors of the journal as soon as possible. 
Apart from that, the authors are required to use an interdisciplinary approach, mention the research techniques they applied, maintain factual and historical accuracy and adhere to the scientific style of speech. 

2. Guidelines for the Layout of the Material 

2.1. General layout

At the top of the article, the submitter is required to put his/her surname, first name and patronymic (in full!), place of employment and position, the full name of the higher education institution and the chair, the contact phone number e-mail (both in Russian and English) and ORCID. 

The size of the article is up to 45,000 characters with spaces. The text of the article must be clearly structured and divided into subchapters. The title of the article (both in Russian and English) must be set in semi-bold type in 14-point size. 
The text of the article must be created in the doc (docx) format and set in Times New Roman font in 12-point size with 1.5 line spacing. 
If the author uses a foreign name, at its first mention the Russian transliteration in inverted commas should be followed by the original name in brackets, for example, «Чикаго Трибьюн» (Chicago Tribune), after which only the former should be used. 
The article must be supplied with an abstract and keywords (both in Russian and English). 
The abstract in Russian, no larger than 150 words, must contain such matters as the topicality of the research, the issues in focus and the main conclusions. The objectives should be indicated only if they are not clear from the title, the methods (omitting methodological nuances) – if they are really novel and interesting from the viewpoint of this particular work. 
The abstract in English is not supposed to be a word-for-word translation of the author’s abstract in Russian, it must be in compliance with grammar and style of the English language. In the English-language abstract, it is recommended to use the structure which echoes the structure of the article and includes the introduction, goals, objectives, methods, results (these must be described extremely accurately and informatively) and conclusion/ conclusions (which may include recommendations, assessment, suggestions and hypotheses described in the article). The text must be economical and free from redundant information, unnecessary insertions and empty phrases. If the translation of the version for the English section of the journal is not submitted, the editorial board will take care of it. The volume of the text is not less than 150 words. 
The keywords (not more than 7) must reflect the main content of the article, involve the terms used in the text of the article as well as the terms defining the subject area and containing other important concepts which make it possible to facilitate and enlarge the possibilities of finding the article by means of a search engine. 

2.2. Layout of the Text 

2.2.1. References to literature in the text 

− References to literature are given within the text in brackets. The data include the surname of the author, the publication year of the work and the page number separated from the year with a colon, for example: 
Вызов, «осознанно и решительно отвергающий <…> самостояние отдельной личности, ценности свободы и плюрализма, принцип демократической сменяемости политической власти и все прочее, с этими ценностями связанное» (Пелипенко, 2015: 35). 
Позднее Р. Пикар и Т. Риммер (1999: 1−18) предложили совершенно иной подход к данной проблеме – по географическому принципу. 
Вспомним известную формулу Яна ван Куйленбурга (1998) о диверсификации медиауслуг 3С: Content, Channels, Carriers. 
− Referring to works of the same author published in the same year it is important to distinguish between them by adding letters а, б, в (in the case of foreign publications – Latin letters a, b, c). 
− Referring to books or articles co-written by two or three authors it is correct to indicate all of them: (Булыгина, Шмелев, 1997: 15), (Kilteni, Groten and Slater, 2012).
− Referring to books and articles written by more than three authors it is customary to indicate the first four surnames adding «и др.»; referring to foreign publications – “et al.”: (Свитич, Смирнова, Ширяева, Шкондин и др., 2015), Christians, Glasser, McQuail, Nordenstreng et al., 2009). 
− Referring to a collection of works, instead of the author’s surname it is correct to indicate the surname of the publishing editor or the compiler with a mark (ред.) or (ed.) in brackets, for example: 
Объектом изучения стал российский качественный еженедельный журнал «Профиль», который традиционно относят к типу деловых (Вырковский (ред.), 2012). 
«Североевропейской модели уже не существует, точнее, Северные страны больше не символизируют североевропейскую − демократическую корпоративистскую модель» (Ohlsson (ed.), 2015). 
− Referring to a work by an unknown author (a newspaper item and the like) it is common to indicate the first or the first several words of the headline: (Кризис на Украине, 2015). 

2.2.2. Primechaniya 

Primechaniya, if required, are placed at the end of the text before References in the form of endnotes having consecutive numbering throughout the whole text. 
They include the author’s comments, archive materials, non-scientific sources (works of fiction, opinion journalism, newspaper articles, legal acts and the like), online materials (with the exception of online versions of scientific journals), videos and so on. 

2.2.3. Bibliografiya 

In Bibliographiya, only scientific sources must be listed (monographs, scientific collections, articles and reviews in scientific/academic publications), i.e. those sources which are indexed in scientific databases (RSCI, Scopus, Web of Science and others) and only those works which are referred to in the article. The sources need to be sorted alphabetically, first in the Russian language (in Cyrillic characters), the names of the author/authors are italicized. After that foreign sources are indicated (in the original language) in accordance with the English alphabet and the pattern used for foreign sources. The colophons of books are given in full (city: publishing house, publication year). 
In the case of articles in a journal or collection, the initial and final pages of the article are to be indicated. 

2.2.4. Notes 

Section Notes represents the list of transliterated Russian-language sources and sources in foreign languages (in the original language) listed in Primechaniya (if there are any), arranged in accordance with the English alphabet with compulsory translation into English in square brackets. The author’s comments are not included in this section. 

2.2.5. References 

The section References contains all the sources in the list Bibliografiya, only in the Latinized form, arranged in accordance with the English alphabet. It includes transliterated Russian-language sources and sources in foreign languages (in the original language). 
For transliteration, it is advisable to use the standard BGN/PCGN (United States Board on Geographic Names / Permanent Committee on Geographical Names for British OThcial Use) recommended by the international publisher Oxford University Press as British Standard. To make the BGN transliteration more convenient, it is possible to use the link, where this procedure occurs automatically. 
Upon the automatic transliteration, it is essential to correct: 
a) the Russian-language designations of the volume, number and page of the publication are to be translated into English: Vol., No. and pp. 
b) Abbreviations of city names must be spelt out in full: M. becomes Moscow; SPb − St. Petersburg; L. − Leningrad; NY −New York. 
c) the publisher should be given in English if it is an organization (Moscow St. Univ. Publ.) and in the transliterated form if the publisher has its own name plus an indication that it is a publisher: Nauka Publ., MediaMir Publ. 
d) it is important to ensure that centuries are given in Roman numerals (XX, XXI and so on), capital letters of the Russian alphabet are out of the question. Dealing with the Roman numeral X, take care not to key the identically looking Russian letter, otherwise, the automatic transliterator will turn XX into Kh,Kh. 
e) foreign authors’ names are not subject to transliteration, they should be given in the original. 
Transliterated sources, as well as sources in other languages, are required to have a square-bracketed English translation of the book title or article title and the title of the collection in which it is published and follow the pattern used for foreign sources. 
In the Latinized list, only book titles, magazine titles (or titles of other periodicals) and collections of articles should be italicized. 

3. Examples of the Layout of Sources in Primechaniya, Bibliografiya, Notes and References 

3.1. Primechaniya 

1 Шадрина Т. В России может уйти с рынка примерно половина СМИ // Рос. газ. 2015. Янв., 6. Режим доступа: 
2 В данной статье авторы рассматривают только основную составляющую медиасистемы – средства массовой информации и коммуникации. Другие элементы в этом конкретном случае не исследуются. 
3 Здесь и далее расчеты по данным мониторинга из системы «Россия в мире» МИА «Россия сегодня». 
4 Российский вектор. 2015. № 11 (41). С. 2−20. 

3.2. Bibliografiya 

Анненкова И.В. Медиадискурс XXI века. Лингвофилософский аспект языка СМИ. М.: Изд-во Моск. ун-та; Факультет журналистики МГУ, 2011. 
Деловая журналистика / А. Афанасьева, М. Блинова, Д. Борисяк, В. Вайсберг и др. / отв. ред. А.В. Вырковский. М.: МедиаМир, 2012. 
Пелипенко А.А. Контрэволюция как проявление глобального кризиса современного мира // Власть. № 6. 2015. С. 34−41. 
Солганик Г.Я. О стиле современных газет // Дискурс и стиль: теоретические и прикладные аспекты / под ред. Г.Я. Солганика, Н.И. Клушиной, Н.В. Смирновой. М.: Флинта: Наука, 2014. С. 185−196. 
Albarran A. B., Porco J. F. (1990) Measuring and Analysing Diversification of Corporations Involved in Pay Cable. Journal of Media Economics 3 (1): 3−14. 
Byrne J. (1995) Disabilities in Tertiary Education. In L. Rowan and J. McNamee (eds.) Voices of a Margin. Rockhampton: CQU Press. 
Lowe G. F., Nissen C. S. (eds.) (2011) Small among Giants: Television Broadcasting in Smaller Countries. Göteborg: Nordicom. 

3.3. Notes 

Shadrina T. (2015) V Rossii mozhet uyti s rynka primerno polovina SMI [In Russia about Half of the Media are Likely to Withdraw from the Market]. Rossiyskaya gazeta, 6 January. (In Russian). Available at: (accessed: 6.01.2015).
Rossiyskiy vektor. 2015. № 11 (41). 

3.4. References 

Afanas’eva A., Blinova M., Borisyak D., Vaysberg V. et al. (2012) In A. V. Vyrkovskiy (ed.) Delovaya zhurnalistika [Business Journalism]. Moscow: MediaMir Publ. (In Russian)
Albarran A. B., Porco J. F. (1990) Measuring and Analysing Diversification of Corporations Involved in Pay Cable. Journal of Media Economics 3 (1): 3−14. 
Annenkova I. V. (2011) Mediadiskurs XXI veka. Lingvofilosofskiy aspekt yazyka SMI [Media Discourse of the XXI Century. Linguistic and Philosophical Aspect of the Language of the Media]. Moscow: Moscow St. Univ. Publ. (In Russian)
Byrne J. (1995) Disabilities in Tertiary Education. In L. Rowan and J. McNamee (eds.) Voices of a Margin. Rockhampton: CQU Press. 
Giddens A. (1994) Beyond Left and Right. The Future of Radical Politics. Cambridge: Polity Press. 
Lowe G. F., Nissen C. S. (eds.) (2011) Small among Giants: Television Broadcasting in Smaller Countries. Göteborg: Nordicom. 
Pelipenko A. A. (2015) Kontrevolyutsiya kak proyavlenie global’nogo krizisa sovremennogo mira [Counter-Evolution as a Manifestation of Today’s Global Crisis]. Vlast’ 6: 34−41. (In Russian)
Solganik G. Ya. (2014) O stile sovremennykh gazet [On the Style of Modern Newspapers]. In G. Ya. Solganik, N. I. Klushina, N. V. Smirnova (eds.) Diskurs i stil’: teoreticheskie i prikladnye aspekty [Discourse and Style: Theoretical and Applied Aspects]. Moscow: Flinta: Nauka Publ. Pp. 185−196. (In Russian)

4. Examples of the Layout of References 

4.1. Book with 1−3 authors 

Смирнов С. Медиахолдинги России. Национальный опыт концентрации СМИ. М.: МедиаМир, 2014. 
Уэллс У., Бернетт Дж., Мориарти С. Реклама: принципы и практика / пер. с англ. СПб: Питер, 1999. 
Mosco V. (1998) The Political Economy of Communication. London; Thousand Oaks; California; New Delhi: SAGE. 
McCarthy P., Hatcher C. (1996) Speaking Persuasively: Making the Most of Your Presentations. Sydney: Allen and Unwin. 

4.2. Book with 4 and more authors 

Свитич Л.Г., Смирнова О.В., Ширяева А.А., Шкондин М.В. Газеты средних и малых го-родов России. Социологическое исследование: опрос редакторов и журналистов. М.: Фак. журн. МГУ, 2015. 
Дизайн периодических изданий / В.В. Волкова, С.Г. Газанджиев, С.И. Галкин, Е.В. Ситникова и др. М.: Фак. журн. МГУ, 2013. 
Christians C. G., Glasser T. L., McQuail D., Nordenstreng K. et al. (2009) Normative Theories of the Media: Journalism in Democratic Societies. History of Communication Series. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. 

4.3. Article in a collection 

Фролова Т.И. Медиаобразование школьников // Медиаобразование в школе / под. ред. Е.Л. Вартановой, О.В. Смирновой. М.: МедиаМир, 2010. С. 31−53.
Пирогова Ю.К. Уровни воздействия бренд-коммуникаций и эффект синергии // Эффективность массовых коммуникаций. М.: Науч.-информ. ИЦ МГУП, 2011. С. 67−87. 
Albarran A., Moellinger T. (2002) The Top Six Communication Industry Firms: Structure, Performance and Strategy. In R. G. Picard (ed.) Media Firms: Structures, Operations, and Performance. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Pp. 103−122. 
Van Cuilenburg J. (1998) New Perspectives on Media Diversity. Towards a Critical-Rational Approach to Media Performance. In Yassen N. Zassoursky, Elena L. Vartanova (eds.) Changing Media and Communications: Concepts, Technologies and Ethics in Global and National Perspectives. Moscow: ICAR Publ. Pp. 71−86. 

4.4. Article in a magazine/newspaper 

Пономарева В.В. «Учитель» против «Гувернантки»: ремарка об одной журнальной полемике по женскому образованию // МедиаАльманах. 2015. № 1. С. 58−62.
Савина Е. Элита пошла лесом. «Наши» готовят секретный обряд посвящения в комиссары // Коммерсантъ. 2007. Апр., 13. 
Zheng N., Chyi H. S., Kaufhold K. (2012) Capturing “Human Bandwidth”: A Multidimensional Model for Measuring Attention on Web Sites. International Journal on Media Management 14 (2): 157−179. 
Pries D., Arkin W. (2010) A hidden world, growing beyond control. Washington Post, 19 July. 

4.5. Article in an electronic journal or online source 

Клушина Н.И. Интенциональный метод в современной лингвистической парадигме // Медиаскоп. 2012. Вып. 4. Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 19.01.16). 
Шлейнов Р. Кто входит в участковые избирательные комиссии Москвы. Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 10.11.14). 
Построение будущего. Елена Вартанова – об образовании в журналистике // Журналистика и медиарынок. 2013. № 5. Режим доступа: (дата обращения: 05.05.2014). 
Lasorsa D. L., Lewis S. C., Holton A. E. (2011) Normalizing Twitter. Journalism Practice in an Emerging Communication Space. Journalism Studies 21 April. Available at: (aссessed: 23.08.2013). 
Bakker P. (2010) Free Dailies 2010: the Age of the Happy Monopolist. Available at: (aссessed: 09.10.2015). 
University Communication Social Media Guidelines. Available at: (aссessed: 27.10.2014). 

4.6. Works by one author published in the same year 

Минаева О. (а) Жанровое своеобразие советских журналов для женщин в 1920−1930 гг.: краткий обзор // МедиаАльманах. 2015. № 1. С. 63−66. 
Минаева О. (б) Журналы «Работница» и «Крестьянка» в решении «женского вопроса» в СССР в 1920−1930-е гг. М.: МедиаМир, 2015. 
Doyle G. (2002 a) Media Ownership. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. 
Doyle G. (2002 b) Understanding Media Economics. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. 

4.7. Quoting dissertations and PhD theses 

Бодрунова С.С. Медиакратия: СМИ и власть в современных демократических обществах: дис. … д-ра полит. наук. СПб, 2015. 
Bodrunova S. S. (2015) Mediakratiya: SMI i vlast’ v sovremennykh demokraticheskikh obshchestvah: dis. … dokt. polit. nauk. [Mediakratiya: the Media and the Power in Modern Democratic Societies. Dr. polit. sci. diss.] St. Petersburg. (In Russian)
Onufrijchuk R. F. (1998) Object as Vortex: Marshall McLuhan & Material Culture as Media of Communication. PhD thesis.  
Dena C. (2009) Transmedia Practice: Theorising the Practice of Expressing a Fictional World Across Distinct Media and Environments: PhD dis. … University of Sydney, School of Letters, Art and Media, Department of Media and Communications. Sydney. 

4.8. Quoting emails 

Carpentier Nico (2016) CfP “Critical Mediatization Research” ECREA-Mailing list. 22 Jan. [02 March 2016]. 
IAMCR Member Services (2016) IAMCR Newsletter – January 2016. 14 Jan. [02 March 2016]. 
Алексеев А. (2015) Деревенская история на страницах «Семи искусств». 10 Feb. [02 March 2016]. 
Аникина М. (2016) Седьмые Грушинские чтения на Моховой, 5 февраля – программа. 2 Feb. [02 March 2016]. 

4.9. Reference to an interview 

Interview with the deputy editor-in-chief of "Profile" magazine E. Moiseev. 2014. Dec.