Scientific Educational Topics in Modern Press

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Sofya P. Suvorova

PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Periodical Press, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia


Section: Periodical Press

The article provides a brief overview of the current market popular science journals in Russia. It presents the characteristic of the topical aspects which form the subject area of science and enlightenment journalism and description of functional features of popular science journals. Highlighted the problems of science, most often reflected in the headings «Science» of social and political periodicals, lists the tasks of journalists in creating popular science publications. In addition, it is emphasized that «science journalism» represents a special kind of scientific communication, and the «science enlightenment journalism» is a kind of journalistic creativity.

Keywords: science journalism, science and enlightenment journalism, popular science problems, popular science magazines, cultural and enlightenment function of journalism