Theoretical Understanding of Mediatization in the Digital Environment
Download paperResearcher at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: gureevaan@gmail.comSection: Theory of Journalism and Media
The concept of mediatization is of scientific interest to sociologists, as well as for media researchers. Today, this phenomenon is a feature that distinguishes our present and emphasizing the importance of the media as a tool for social interaction in all areas of cultural development. Moreover, modern media have ceased to play the role of technological platforms only, they have become a full-fledged institution, directly affecting the life of society and determining the main vectors of its development. So, under the strong influence of the rapidly developing digital technology formed an entirely new society — is highly dependent on media consumption. So what is meant by the term mediatization? And what is the difference of this phenomenon from those of similar-sounding concepts as mediazatsiya and medialization? The answers to these questions can be found in the theoretical studies of domestic and foreign media experts and sociologists. The aim of this work was to study the currently available interpretations of the concept, comparative analysis and development most clearly reflects the determination of the phenomenon.
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