Principles For Followers. 2016, 10 Oct. – 100th Anniversary of Professor Alexander F. Berezhnoy
Download paperPolitical Sc. doctor, Professor, Chair of Department of Theory of Journalism and Mass Communications, St Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
e-mail: s.korkonosenko@spbu.ruSection: Essay
The article is dedicated to the memory of the first Dean of the Journalism Faculty of the Leningrad—St Petersburg University. The author reveals the relevance of the ideas and principles of the organization of journalism education, offered by Professor A. Berezhnoy. Objectively, the today’s generation of teachers is the successor of the business which has been begun by their predecessors many decades ago.
Berezhnoy A. F. (1971) O nekotorykh itogakh i problemakh razvitiya zhurnalistskogo obrazovaniya i zhurnalistskoy nauki v universitetakh nashey strany [On Some Results and Problems of Journalism Education and Journalism Science in Russian Universities]. In V. A. Alekseev, E. M. Yupashevskaya (eds.) Zhurnalistika: nauka, obrazovanie, praktika [Journalism: Science, Education, Practice]. Leningrad: Leningr. Univ. Publ. Pp. 3–40. (In Russian)
Berezhnoy A. F. (1999) Po stranitsam neissledovannykh izdaniy russkoy periodiki (iz istorii russkogo zarubezh‘ya) [Unexamined Russian Periodical Publications (from Russian Diaspora History)]. St. Petersburg. (In Russian)
Berezhnoy A. F. (2003) Otdelenie-fakul‘tet zhurnalistiki Leningradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta v 1946–1985 gg. Ispr. i dop. izd. [Department-Faculty of Journalism, Leningrad State University in 1946–1985]. St. Petersburg. (In Russian)
Berezhnoy A. F. (2004) Satiricheskaya zhurnalistika: uchebno-metod. posobie [Satirical Journalism]. St. Petersburg. (In Russian)