Object and Thematic Features of Graphic Illustrations in Quality Periodicals
Download paperSenior Lecturer at the Chair of Photojournalism and Media Technologies, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: svitich-a@mail.ruSection: Modern Journalism: Subjects and Issues
This article discusses some aspects of the graphic illustrations in quality periodicals. The relevance of the study is stipulated by the fast development of visual media language which has become a full-fledged component of the media text. The study has examined the thematic palette and specific objects of graphic illustrations in quality periodicals. Stable trends have been identified in the graphic illustration subjects in media. The main emphasis has been placed on the content analysis of the object and thematic characteristics of graphic illustrations. In order to study these characteristics the political, economic, industrial, commercial, social, science and technology, leisure groups of illustrations have been established. The thematic palette of graphic illustrations in quality periodicals fits the bias of articles and periodicals, therefore it is closely linked to its concept, priority areas and methods of presentation. Graphic illustrations of news and business periodicals visualize politics, economics and business themes in many cases. Daily sociopolitical press is paying attention to illustrating a wide range of subjects. The analysis has revealed the influence of sociopolitical and economic factors on the subject, problematic and object of graphic illustrations in quality periodicals.
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