“Dostoevsky is Also Largely Russian Apocalypse” (F.M.Dostoevsky in Creative Consciousness of M.A. Voloshin and M.A. Bulgakov)

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Ekaterina I. Orlova

Doctor of Philology, Head of the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

e-mail: ekatorlova@yandex.ru

Section: History of Journalism

Аn appeal to the characters and motives of Russian writers’ works, especially Dostoevsky’s, seems to be one of the sources of unconscious creative proximity between these two writers of the XX century. Voloshin considered Bulgakov as «the first who captured the soul of Russian strife». However, he did it by himself with no less artistic force in his poem «Russia», verses of the first years of revolution and civil war. A modern reader can see many echoes between the works of Dostoevsky, Voloshin and Bulgakov.

Keywords: F. Dostoevsky, M. Voloshin, M. Bulgakov, creative proximity, the world war, Russian revolution, civil war

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