Creative Media Workers as Candidates and Subjects of the Electoral Process: the Legal Aspects

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Alena S. Denisova

Senior Lecturer at the Media Department, National Research University Higher School of Economics, PhD student at the Scientific and Methodological Center “UNESCO Chair on Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Rights” of the Faculty of Law, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia


Section: Media Law

This paper is the first to highlight the special status of media workers who become election candidates exercising their right to be elected. The aim of the study is to examine the legal status of creative media workers as candidates in the electoral process, for which reason the author turns to the RF electoral legislation, analyzes the existing court practice and the practice of Territorial Electoral Commissions. In doing this, the author uses general scientific methods of functional and systems analysis as well as specific scientific methods of analyzing legal information and interviewing. As the RF electoral legislation fails to clarify the concept of creative media workers, the author of the paper proposes her own classification of these with special emphasis on presenters. It is found that the restrictions for creative media workers with the candidate status envisaged by the electoral legislation are ineffective in practice. In addition, the author studied and listed the reasons for the existing abuses.

Keywords: creative media workers, presenter, media representatives, journalist, election campaign, election, presenter as candidate
DOI: 10.30547/vestnik.journ.5.2019.182201


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