S.N. Glinka’s “The Russian Bulletin” in Socio-Political and Cultural Life of Yearly XIXth Century Russia

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Nataliya G. Yastrebova

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head at the Chair of Literature, Chuvash State Pedagogical University, Cheboksary, Russia

e-mail: ya.natalia-78@yandex.ru

Section: History of Journalism

The article is dedicated to researching the history of S.N. Glinka’s magazine “Russian Bulletin”, its role in the political and the cultural life of Russia of the XIX century. The article demonstrates that S.N. Glinka’s magazine was a powerful anti- Napoleonicpublicity media.

Keywords: S.N. Glinka, magazine “Russian Bulletin”, the Patriotic War of 1812 year, anti-Napoleonicpublicity media